Calendar February

February 1999

Schedule of Events

bullet1--You should post your writings to your CourseInfo dropbox.  To do this, open Netscape and go to http://beta.blackboard.net/courses/ENG210 Go to the Student Tools page, and into the Student Dropbox. You will use the browse tool to locate your A Floppy drive and uplaod the appropriate file.  When you have successfully loaded this file, you should become familiar with CourseInfo by browsing its pages or by studying the Manual which you find on the Student Tools page.  During the second hour, you should go to Course Documents and study Chapter 1,  "The Bible as Literature." You may also choose to go back to your syllabus and access your text from links there.
bullet8--Post your writings to CourseInfo.  Class discussion groups meet for fifteen minutes. Continue to master materials in Ch1.Go to Course Documents in CourseInfo and load this text.  The last hour during class will be Web exploration.
bullet22--Post your writings to CourseInfo.  Conduct discussion within groups. Go over materials in Ch2, "History and Chronology." 

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To Contact Me:

crain @griffon.missouriwestern.edu