Required Texts: Oxford Paperback Bible The Bible as Literature, electronic text
Course Description: Your course text has been recently updated and is available to you in three formats: PDF, HTML, and Word. This semester, we will be test using CourseInfo. You will enroll the first night of class, and after enrolling, you will find the information you need on this site. Otherwise, you can also get these documents off of our own campus server: Bible Text PDF HTML WORD Intro Intro Intro Ch1 Ch1 Ch1 Ch2 Ch2 Ch2 Ch3 Ch3 Ch3 Ch4 Ch4 Ch4 Ch5 Ch5 Ch5 Ch6 Ch6 Ch6
Your text explores the Bible relative to form and structure, history, civilizations, character studies, and themes. You will look at the Bible in the same way you would look at any other anthology of literature, and will come to understand the Bible as writings produced by real people who lived in historical times, containing genealogies, laws, letters, royal decrees, instructions for building, prayers, proverbial wisdom, prophetic messages,historical narratives, tribals, lists, archival data, ritual regulations, and other kinds of material more difficult to classify. You will learn about Biblical forms such as historical recitals, folktales, cultic poems, laments, blessings, convenant renewals, prophetic oracles, wisdom and apocalyptic literature, narratives (etiologies, birth, miracles, theophanies, hero stories), parables, pronouncements, stories of healing, sayings, beatitudes, legal commentary, allegories, and commissionings. You will also learn about literary devices employed, including metaphor, simile, symbolism, allegory, personification, irony, puns, and parallelism.
The purpose of this course is to help you learn to appreciate the literature which exists in the Bible and to provide you with an overview empowering you to read the Bible with increased understanding.