4. You will write a formal 5-7 page analysis of one of the Gospels. Your purpose should be to present the character of Jesus as He is outlined in this Gospel. You are encouraged to think radically and present this much written about person as originally as you can. This project can earn up to 10 points. The completed paper will be posted in the digital dropbox. 5. If you miss more than two classes, you should expect to receive no more than a C in the course, and you must demonstrate having earned this grade. Class roll will be taken by the posting of your assignment within the first hour of class. Once students have entered into discussion, you will not longer be allowed to post writings. 6. You will take a mid-term and final test over the class text and may earn up to 10 points on each. You will also be asked to request (and write a rationale) for your mid-term and final grade. 7. You may receive up to 10 points for initiating and contributing to your class discussion board. 8. Experimentally, you may receive up to 5 bonus points for participating in one or more group assigned Virtual Chats.
Specific Requirements and Grade Determination:
30 points Writings/Research 30 points Customized Study Links Guide 10 points Formal Gospel Paper 10 points Discussion Board 10 points Mid-term Exam over Text 10 points Mid-term Exam over Text 5 bonus points for Virtual Chat
A 10 point grading system will be used to determine final grade: A=90-100 points; B=80-90, etc.