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Class Policies

You are expected to be in class when class meets. Should you miss three or more days of class, you should expect to earn no more than a C in the course, and you must demonstrate having earned this grade.

Late Papers: Papers and tests (without exception) must be completed by or on assigned dates. Late papers will receive one half letter grade less than the earned grade for each  day the work is late.

All papers must reflect your work through notes, a draft, and at least one revision.  The completed paper, the one to receive your grade, will be turned in with all process work clearly identified in a folder. You must evidence significant changes from draft(s) to revision (s). Papers must use MLA format.

Class Work: Study questions answered in class will not be made up.  You must keep all study questions in both hard copy and electronic form.  Your grade will be assigned for a completed portfolio of writing. You are expected to demonstrate a careful reading of all texts by the day on which they are assigned. Dare to struggle with the less obvious, and document your ideas by carefully referring to the works being discussed.

Disability: If you have identified disabilities which may affect your work in this class , you must notify your teacher in writing during the first week of classes.

"Despite my willingness  to understand, I just couldn't accept such arrogant certainty…"

"What it had come to was that he wore a mask painted with the social simper, out of the eye-holes of which there looked eyes of an expression not in the least matching the other features…"

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