
AOWR Guidelines

Instructions: This course is self-paced, and you may move ahead and back and forth. Please note Red indicates an assignment due and due date. You will build a research portfolio (as well as provide your instructor with copies of work due, labeled and dated on due dates). This way, you can continue working on your paper at the same time your teacher has copies for review. Please note: a session consists of 3 hours of class time. Student may self-pace, moving ahead of schedule when possible.



Sessions Outcomes


Session 1 Decide on topic

Purposes (Why? Persuade? Document? Instruct? Action?)

Web research on topic (Red indicates writing due)

Project Tentative Grade Goal (Decide realistically your grade objective. You will be asked several times throughout the course to adjust this projection in light of evidence accumulating through your work. Recall, missing more than four class hours translates into receiving a C for the final grade only if you can demonstrate you have submitted all work and that is average quality.

Possible theses (List two to three)

Rules for Writers pages 2-20.

Decide on purpose (Decide on one dominant purpose; explain your decision at length (1 page)


Session 2 What? to Whom? Roles? Know? React? Question?

Continue research. Answer questions to left fully--1 page each question.

Rules for Writers pages 365-392.

Beginning research process

Alternative Research Writing ProcessView finished paper MLA Humanities



Session 3

Continue work on sessions 1 and 2. (Subject and thesis due. Thesis is an arguable assertion, a point made to be documented, instruction on a point or something learned, action urged with reasons for supporting).

Rules for Writers, pages 392-408.

Week 1 Organize

Session 4




Research using web and traditional sources. Be sure to list URL (universal resource locaters) and print copies of materials you expect to use. Annotate (high light and write in notes).

Rules for Writers, pages 392-408.

Source: Research Helps


Session 1



Chunk (1-2 pages, word processed)

Rules for Writers, pages 23-28.

Writing Center Handouts



Session 2

Sequence Information


Sequence (2-3 pages) Try each strategy.

Rules for Writers, pages 21-23.

Outline (1 page)



Session 3

Catch-up for sessions 1 and 2. Research

Week 2 Write

Session 4

Write Draft

Draft (5 pages)

Planning to Write

Rules for Writers, pages 2-29.

Section by section/Write short paragraphs/Write as you speak/Write without revising



Session 1 Draft

Draft (5 pages)

Rules for Writers, pages 366-409.


Session 2 Draft

Draft (5 pages)

Rules for Writers, pages 29-76


Session 3 Draft

Draft (5 pages)

Rules for Writers, pages 348-364.

Week 3 Revise

Session 4

Make paragraphs shorter

Convert blocks of text to vertical lists

Use Headings (bold)

Use white space

Complete checklist (1 page)

 (Higher Order Concerns)


Rules for Writers, pages 410-447.


Session 1

Divide long sentences

Use transitions.

Delete meaningless intensifiers, filler phrases, long-winded expressions, and redundancies.

Delete jargon, relative pronouns, and auxiliary verbs.


Concise Sentences

Rules for Writers, pages 410-447.

Use the Active Voice Rules for Writers, 234, 135-138, 241-242

Put the Action of the Sentence in the Verb Rules for Writers 234, 243, 474

Put Wordy Phrases on a Diet Rules for Writers 144, 147-148

Reduce Wordy Verbs

Reduce Prepositional Phrases Rules for Writers 261, 490

Reduce Expletive Constructions Rules for Writers 492, 482

Avoid Using Vague Nouns, Which Lead to

Wordiness Rules for Writers 161-162

Avoid Unnecessarily Inflated Words

 Avoid Noun Strings Rules for Writers 146


Copy of draft with attention to sentences, demonstrating extensive rewriting.

Rules for Writers144, 101-146.

Transitions Copy of draft with all transitions underlined. Effective Transitions

Rules for Writers 280-81, 292-93, 53-56



Session 2

Writing Resources


Rules for Writers 410-47



Session 3


Writing Resources

Rules for Writers 410-47

Week 4 Revise

Portfolio Due

Contains all writing process steps, draft, revision, and finished paper. Also, portfolio contains copies of all source materials used.


Writing Resources

Rules for Writers 410-47

Final Evaluation


Final grades are based on portfolios. All steps of the writing process must be complete. Final document should be a carefully revised and edited document evidencing research, correct documentation (7-10 sources), provocative thought, good organizational and grammatical form. See Course Grades.