Grades-- A maximum of 50 points for writing process--all steps through revision. A maximum of 50 points for final paper. To earn maximum points, students should meet criteria for an A. Students will receive feedback (but no grades) throughout the writing process. The final paper grade will be based on maximum points: 15 points for organization, 15 points for content, 15 points for conventional English, 5 points for contribution to field, new perspective, imaginative approach, or originality.


Exceptional work. Original thought. Clear and controlled organization. Demonstrated use of writing process. All work submitted on due dates. Draft, revision, and editing stages clearly demonstrated in portfolio containing final document. Exceptional correctness. A papers will generally receive points for contribution to field, new perspective, imaginative approach, or originality.


Good work. Good, although hardly original thought. Controlled organization (clear beginning, middle, and end). Demonstrated use of writing process. All work submitted on due dates. Draft, revision, and editing stages clearly demonstrated in portfolio containing final document. Good command of correctness.


Average work. Average thought. Average organization (clear beginning, middle, and end). Demonstrated use of writing process. All work submitted on due dates (with no more than 4 class hours missed). Draft, revision, and editing stages clearly demonstrated in portfolio containing final document. Work demonstrates need for attention to correctness.


Belowaverage work. Below average thought. Below average organization (unclear beginning, middle, and end). Lapse in use of writing process. Some work completed after due dates ( more than 4 class hours missed). Draft, revision, and editing stages poorly demonstrated in portfolio containing final document. Work demonstrates serious need for attention to correctness.