| |
Section I |
Prologue 1.1-8 |
Vision Son of Man 1.12-20 |
I. Seven Churches 2-3 |
1. Ephesus-abandoned first love |
2. Smyrna--poor, suffering |
3. Pergamum--Balaam |
4. Thyatira-Jezebel |
5. Sardis--alive but dead |
6. Philadelphia--hold fast |
7.Laodicea--cold or hot |
Vision of Throne4-5 |
First of seven sections ends 3.22 (NRSV)
7 Churches |
II. Seven Seals 6-8.1 |
1.White horse 6.2--conquers, Christ |
2.Red horse 6.3--takes peace from
earth, war |
3.Black horse 6.6--scales, famine |
4.Green horse6.8--pestilence and
death |
5.Souls of martyrs 6.9 |
6.Earthquake 6.12-17 |
Two Vision s 7.1-8 Four
angels at the four corners of the earth and "the seven angels who
stand before God with trumpets" |
7.9-17 Multitude of the Redeemed |
7. Unsealed scroll and silence |
Second of seven sections ends 8.1 (NRSV)
7 Seals |
III. Seven Trumpets blown by Seven
Angels |
1. hail, fire, blood 8.7 |
2. mountain into sea; 1/3 sea,
blood 8.8; 1/3 creatures, ships destroyed |
3star (Wormwood) from heaven; 1/3
waters bitter; 8.10 |
4.1/3 sun, moon, stars, day kept
from shining 8.12 |
5.bottomless pit, demonic locusts
torment people without seal of God on their foreheads 9 |
6.demonic calvary 9.13-20; 1/3
humankind killed |
Vision of the Little Scroll 10 |
Measuring of the Termple of God 11;
2 witnesses; beast |
7. Consummation of God's Kingdom;
temple in heaven opened 11 |
Section II |
Third of seven sections ends 11.19 (NRSV)
7 Trumpets |
IV.12, 13 Portent in Heaven: woman (clothed with sun,
moon under her feet, crown of twelve stars), child (male, rule all nations
with rod of iron, snatched away and taken to God; woman nourished for
1,260 days), dragon( red, seven heads, ten horns, seven diadems). War in
heaven (dragon and his angels thrown down; dragon pursues woman who is
given wings of eagle. Two beasts (sea: Roman empire, ten horns,
seven heads, ten diadems; healed mortal wound); (earth: two horns, emperor
worship, 666) |
Vision of Lamb and 144.000
sealed, redeemed, first fruits 14; angel flying in mid-heaven proclaiming
fall of Babylon; another angel proclaiming wrath of God for those marked
with mark of the beast; Son of Man sitting on white cloud; angel
proclaiming time to reap the harvest; angel with sickle; angel with
authority over fire; vintage of earth thrown into the wine press of God. |
Fourth of seven sections ends 14.20 (NRSV)
Visions |
V. Seven angels, seven plagues,
seven bowls 15-17 |
1. foul and painful sore16.2 |
2 sea into blood 16. 3 |
3. rivers and water into blood 16.
4 |
4. scorching of sun 16.8 |
5. darkness 16.10 |
6. Euphrates dried up; frogs
(demonic spirits) 16.12 |
7. It is done--earthquake,
destruction, and huge hailstones Babylon is given the full fury of
righteous wrath.
Fifth of seven sections ends 16.21
(NRSV) 7 Plagues
VI. Fall of Babylon, Great whore 17: seven heads
interpreted as kings, ten horns as kings; Nero "was, is not, and is
to come"); note inverse of Christ: is, was, is to come 1.8: could
this be temporal versus eternal?
19 Praises in heaven; announcement of marriage of the Lamb 19.7;
John falls down to worship but is told by the angel, "You must not do
that! I am a fellow servant with you."
19.11 Rider on white horse: victorious Christ (Faithful and True,
judges righteously and makes war, eyes like fire, head with
diadems, inscribed name unknown, robe dipped in blood, Word of God,
followed by armies in white, sharp sword from mouth strikes down enemies,
rules with rod of iron, treads the wine press with the fury of God
Almighty Angel stands in the sun 19.17 and calls to birds in midheaven to
come the the great supper of God, to eat the flesh of kings, captains,
mighty, and their riders. Beast and deceiver with mark thrown into the
lake of fire; followers are killed by sword. |
Sixth of seven sections ends 19.21
(NRSV)Final Battle |
VII. Binding of Dragon for a thousand years 20; souls of
martyrs raised (first resurrection) to reign with Christ-6; second death
has no power over priests of God. Dragon is released (Gog and Magog
8), fire consumes the army of the Dragon and the Dragon is thrown into the
lake of fire and sulfur. |
Vision of Great White Throne
20.11-15, New Heaven, New Earth, New Jerusalem (out of heaven, bride); God
dwell among mortals21.3. All things are made new (21.5); measuring of New
Jerusalem (21.15-27): no temple in the city (22), for God is the temple;
gates are never shut(21.25), for God has opened and no one can shut (4.8);
only those who are written in the Lamb's book of life can enter (27).
22 River of water of life flowing from the throne
of God; on either side of river is tree of life with twelve kinds of
fruit. Servants of God will see Lamb's face and have His name
written on their foreheads. God is light (5) |
Seventh of seven sections ends
22.6-21 (NRSV) Vision of Throne |
Conclusion: The angel tells John the words given to him
are trustworthy and true, for the angel has been sent by God to tell what
must soon take place: "See, I am coming soon."
John again falls down to worship but is told he should not do that:
"Worship God!" 22.8
John is told not to seal up the words.
Promise is repeated: "See, I am coming soon; my reward is with
me, to repay according to everyone's work. I am the Alpha and the
Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. "22.12 [Is
it logical that from eternity, coming is always soon in the limited,
temporal, and finite?]
22.16 Jesus, root and descendent of David, morning star (2.8) or
resurrected Christ has sent the angel to John with the invitation
"The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come." 17 Anyone who wishes can
take the water of life as a gift.
22.18 All who hear the words of the prophecy of Revelation
are solemnly warned not to add to or to take away from the words on
penalty of losing the tree of life and the holy city.
"Surely, I am coming soon."
"Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!" |
John Gabel, Charles Wheeler and Anthony York in The Bible as Literature:
An Introduction, 6th edition (Oxford 2000)
The show itself--what John sees--is in two parts: the first depicts the
cosmic and earthly events at the end of the Present Age; the second depicts
the eternally static situation of the Age to Come. The events that
conclude the Present Age are introduced by sets of sevens that are associated
with the communication of messages: seals on a scroll and heralds'
trumpets. The events themselves are divided into three phrases: the
defeat of Satan in the heavenly sphere (by the birth of Christ), in the
earthly sphere (by the destruction of Rome), and in the underworld (by the
final elimination of the Devil, Death, Hades, and the sea at the very end of
the age.) Poised between the two ages is the thousand-year reign of Christ on
earth, which shares something of both future and past: It provides a foretaste
of the bliss of eternity future, but the evil of the past lies there waiting
to exert itself yet once again. When this final resurgence of evil has
been suppressed and ultimate judgment passed, the New Age can begin in all its
perfection. The only thing the author had to add was a warning that the
last days were at hand and that no one should tamper with the words of his
book. (157)
...In Revelation we so often find an instance of the destruction of evil
followed by rejoicing in heaven, only to be followed in short order by the
return of what seems to be the same evil in different guise. Layer is
placed upon similar layer, and it is not always evident just where we are in
the continuing story at any given moment. But there will come an end to
that story, the author of the book assures his readers, when the great
instigator of evil and his entire domain will be flung into the fiery lake;
and then the warfare of the saints will cease forever. (157)
Chapter 1 John's greetings and the circumstance of his call
2-3 The letters to the seven churches
4-5 The heavenly court and the lamb
6-7 The seven seals
8-11 The seven trumpets
12-13 The pregnant woman, the dragon's defeat, the two beasts
14 Visions of assurance and warning
15-16 The seven bowls of wrath
17-18 The whore of Babylon and the beast
19-20 The defeat of the dragon's forces, final judgment
21-22 The new Jerusalem, conclusion
Nelson's Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts
(Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1996)
Though the book includes portions which follow the
epistolary form (1:4-3:22), much of Revelation is written in the form of
apocalyptic literature (cf. Daniel and Zechariah) and it refers to itself
as a prophetic book (1;3, 22:7, 10, 18, 19). The three major
movements in this profound unveiling are captured in 1:19: "the
things which you have seen" (ch. 1); "the things which are"
(chs. 2 and 3); and "the things which will take place after
this" (chs. 4-22).
Outline of Revelation
Part One: "The Things Which You Have
Seen" (1: 1-20)
I. Introduction (1:1-8)
II. Revelation of Christ (1.9-20)
Part Two: "The Things Which Are"
I. Message to Ephesus (2:1-7)
II. Message to Smyrna (2:8-11)
III. Message to Pergamos (2.12-17)
IV. Message to Thyatira (2:18-29)
V. Message to Sardis (3:1-6)
VI. Message to Philadelphia (3:7-13)
VII. Message to Laodicea (3: 14-22)
Part Three: "The Things Which Will Take Place
After This" (4:1-22:21)
I. Person of the Judge (4.1-5:14)
A. The Throne of God (4.1-11)
B. The Sealed Book (5:1-14)
II. Prophecies of Tribulation (6:1-19:6)
A. Seven Seals of Judgment
B. Seven Trumpets of Judgment
C. Explanatory Prophecies (12:1-14:
D. Seven Bowls of Judgment
III. Prophecies of the Second Coming (19:7-21)
A. Marriage Supper of the Lamb
B. Second Coming of Christ (19:
IV. Prophecies of the Millennium (20:1-15)
A. Satan Is Bound 1,000 Years
B. Satan Reigns 1,000 Years
C. Satan Is Released and Leads
Rebellion (20:7-9)
D. Satan Is Tormented Forever
E. Great White Throne Judgment
V. Prophecies of the Eternal State (21:1022:5)
A. New Heaven and New
Earth Are Created (21:1)
B. New Jerusalem
Descends (21:2-8)
C. New Jerusalem
Is Described (21:9-22:5)
VI. Conclusion (22:6-21)
David L. Barr http://www.wright.edu/~dbarr/plotrev.htm
2 Structuring a Plot: The Stories as Distinct Actions
After some preliminaries, the writer begins to tell an autobiographical
I, John, your brother who share with you in Jesus the persecution and
the kingdom and the patient endurance, was on the island called Patmos
because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. I was in the spirit
on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet saying,
"Write in a book what you see ...." (1:8ff)
This first story segment details what happened to him on Patmos. (A
majestic human being appears to him and dictates seven messages to the
angels of seven churches.) Having finished this task, John is called up
to heaven, where he observes a scene at the divine court. This second story
concerns the process by which a slaughtered-standing lamb opens a divine
scroll and reveals its contents. John next looks into the heavenly temple
and sees strange new signs. In this third story a cosmic dragon pursues
a cosmic woman but is eventually defeated by a cosmic warrior, resulting
in the establishment of a wholly new cosmic order.
I make three preliminary observations about these stories. First, they
are ever more fantastic. The audience is led into ever stranger territory
and witnesses ever more bizarre actions. The story progresses from John
standing on Patmos (a real world event), to the vision experience, to a
trip to heaven, to a cosmic battle. Then we are taken quickly back to earth
again in the closing address to the reader. It is a fantastic journey--rather
like a shaman's journey.(9) In literary
terms, we find three different literary types sandwiched between realistic
narratives of John on Patmos: the revelation theophany, the throne vision
(Merkavah), and the cosmic war story.
Second, while these three stories are themselves sequences of causally
connected action, there is very little connection between the incidents
in the separate stories. Each sequence has its own logic, its own set of
characters, its own base locale, and John plays a somewhat different role
in each. These stories may be set forth schematically as follows:
Story One |
Story Two |
Story Three |
Place |
Patmos |
Heaven |
Earth |
Characters |
Jesus as Majestic Human
Jesus as Lamb-Slain
Elders and
Heavenly Beings
Jesus as Heavenly Warrior
Dragon and Beasts
Woman and her children
Action |
Letter Writing |
Worship |
War |
John Presented as |
Secretary |
Heavenly Traveler |
Seer/Prophet |
Mythic Paradigm |
Theophany |
Throne Vision |
Holy War |
Chapters |
1-3 |
4-11 |
12-22(10) |
If I briefly sketch the action of each segment, two
points will become clear: they each can be viewed as a unified action,
but they do not form a causal sequence between them. I would characterize
the kernel incidents of these stories as follows. One: A majestic human
being appears to John on Patmos and commands him to write a scroll and
send it to the seven churches of Asia. After a detailed description of
this divine figure, the figure comforts John, explains particular symbols
to him, and then dictates seven messages to the angels of the seven churches.
Two: John ascends to heaven at divine initiative, sees God on the throne
surrounded by the heavenly court, and hears the heavenly liturgy. A scroll
is presented that is sealed and that no one can open, causing John to weep.
Then a character, announced as a lion but revealed as a slain-standing
lamb, proceeds to open the scroll in seven stages. In the silence of the
seventh seal, seven trumpets sound, followed by the announcement: God's
kingdom has come. Three: A majestic heavenly woman about to give birth
is pursued by a heavenly dragon who seeks to consume her child. The woman
is saved and the child preserved, but the dragon turns to make war on her
other children. Two great beasts are conjured from the sea and the earth;
the lamb gathers 144,000 on Mt Zion. Scenes of heavenly harvest predict
earthly judgment, then enacted in seven plague events, leading to the great
announcement: it is done (16:17). Just what is done is now related in two
sets of scenes, one grouped around the great prostitute (war against heaven,
heavenly warrior, destruction, a thousand years of peace, final battle,
final judgment, new creation) and the bride/wife of the lamb (restoration
of the city).
Third, each of these three actions is built on a distinct model. The
first story is clearly a theophany; and the third is just as surely a holy
war. I am not so clear how to characterize the second, except to say it
is neither theophany nor holy war. While our knowledge of Merkavah
mysticism is limited, there does seem to have been a throne vision genre,
perhaps built on Isaiah's famous vision (Isa. 6). Some would also connect
the throne scene with the rituals of the imperial court.(11)
Thus each of these three units can be viewed as a unified action, but
what becomes obvious is that there is no real connection between the three
actions. While one can point to strong thematic continuity between these
sections, there is not a continuity of action. The action of the first
movement does not lead to that of the second or the third. They do not
form a causal sequence, yet within each movement there is a reasonably
clear causal sequence. How should we understand their relationship? Is
Revelation one story or three?
There is an O. Henry short story called "Roads of Destiny"
that offers some analogy to John's narrative strategy. In O. Henry's story
a young man leaves his native village to explore the world and write poetry.
But when he comes to a fork in the road, he cannot decide which way to
proceed. So the story is told showing him take all three options: first
he takes one branch; then the second; and finally he returns to his village.
For each path taken a different series of events ensues, but each leads
inexorably to the same end: the young man is shot and killed--each time
with the very same pistol. Now clearly all three events belong in the same
narrative, for the narrative could not make its point without all them.
Yet just as clearly the actions within each event can have no causal connection
with actions in the other two; for the initial act of choosing one road
excludes the acts that lie down another path. It would be to miss the point
were we to ask whether our young man went down path two before or after
going down path one. The connection is not one of before and after. What
then are the connections between the three?
These connections have to do with theme (destiny) and characters rather
than with continuous sequential actions. Yet they gain their meaning only
by being seen in comparison within the same narrative.(12)
When one finishes O. Henry's story one understands the
seductive/destructive allure of poetry in a new way, a way that takes destiny
beyond accidental encounters. One also understands that action within a
story is not necessarily sequential.
In a similar way, John's three dramatic actions do not constitute a
sequential, unified action. One does not happen before or after the other.
They represent alternative tellings of the story of Jesus with a common
theme and overlapping characters. The Dragon does not attack the Woman's
children (chapter 12) after Jesus dictates the letters (chapters 2-3) or
after the triumphant consummation of heavenly worship (chapter 11); that
attack is contemporaneous with the life of the church and is as old as
Eve. The third action is a retelling of the story of the coming of God's
rule with a new focus. It is as if the narrator finished the triumphant
heavenly announcement that the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom
of God and of the Christ (11:15) and then turned to the audience and said,
"Do you wonder how that came about? Well, let me tell you . . .."
The focus now is on the attack of the Dragon and the ensuing cosmic war,
with Jesus being presented (rather ironically) in the guise of the Divine
This lack of causal sequence can be seen in the ending of each of these
story segments, for each ends with a partial closure, a sense of an end
that is no end. At the end of the Letter Scroll Jesus promises to come
to any who will open the door (3:20); at the end of the Worship Scroll,
the voice announces that Messiah's kingdom has come (11:15); at the end
of the War Scroll evil appears to be destroyed and the new Jerusalem descends
(21:1). Yet even in this last instance we are told that nothing unclean
can enter the city (21:27); and as life in the city is described in glowing
terms we are also told "Outside are the dogs" (22:15). This is
a story that appears to end, repeatedly, but never finally does.
Rather than one unfolding event, Revelation presents three interrelated
tellings of the story of Jesus. One does not lead to the other, yet they
gain their meaning by appearing together. Let us now consider more carefully
just how they are put together.
The aural experience of the Apocalypse would have a definite beginning
and ending, and John has so arranged these to emphasize a sense of completion.
Many have observed the strong correlation between the beginning and the
ending. There are at least eleven points of correspondence, in addition
to the epistolary framework (1:4; 22:21).
1:1, 4, 9 |
John names himself |
22:8 |
1:1 |
An Angel sent |
22:6 |
1:1 |
Will soon take place |
22:6 |
1:1 |
The servants |
22:6 |
1:3 |
Reader blessed |
22:7 |
1:3 |
The Time is near |
22:10 |
1:4 |
Grace to you |
22:21 |
1:8 |
The Alpha and Omega |
22:13 |
1:10 |
The Spirit |
22:17 |
1:16, 20 |
Stars and Angels |
22:16 |
1:17 |
John falls at feet |
22:8 |
But the parallels are more than just verbal and thematic, there is also
a parallel of action. Set within the context of a letter that begins "John
to the seven churches" (1:4) and ends with the letter formula so familiar
from Paul's letters, "the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all"
(22:21), the action starts with John directly addressing the audience and
describing his sojourn on Patmos where he has a vision (1:9-10). It ends
with John directly addressing the reader, saying this is what he heard
and saw (22:8). It is the classic technique of the storyteller: I was off
alone one day and I saw something very interesting. . .. The actual story
is one further stage removed from the audience by the additional frame
of the letter. This double envelope of letter and vision-report frames
all the action of the story and helps the audience experience it as a unity.