Copyright 1997MWSC/Jeanie C. Crain All rights reserved.
It is probable that some of the prophecies contain two elements, the near and the far. The former refer especially to events during John's time or shortly thereafter; the latter deal with events in coming ages. A recommended approach is to read Revelation in the context of its historical setting before attempting to apply it to current or future time.
THEME. The moral and spiritual conflict of the ages; it projects human beings into the end of time as they know it, a time when the finite becomes infinite.
CENTRAL SYMBOL. The Lamb, Victor over evil, or what humans have experienced as evil in their world. The Lamb is mentioned about thirty times.
Chap. 1.
Chap. 2.
Chap. 2
Chap. 3.
Recurrent thought, the promises to over comers.
VISION II. Partly Veiled. Chap. 4.
Chap. 5.
Chap. 6.
VISION III. Partly Veiled.
Chap. 7. vv. 1-8, Suggested thought, God's protection of his chosen people.
Chap. 7. Comforting assurances.
VISION V. Partly Veiled.
Chap. 8. Momentous event, the opening of the seventh seal, causing silence in heaven. v. 1.
Chap. 8
In 8:3-4, the thought appears to be that the prayers of the saints are ascending to God for the coming of the messianic kingdom.
Chap. 9. Then follows a veiled portion of the vision, the sounding of the six trumpets, chaps. 8 and 9, apparently announcing impending judgments.
Chaps. 10 and 11.
Chaps. 10 and 11
Perhaps chapters 12-20 contain partly-veiled visions connected with the great messianic conflict.
Chaps. 12 and 13. The great epochal event. The birth of the man child, Christ, and the simultaneous manifestation of the satanic powers arrayed to destroy him.
The justification for this viewpoint
No detailed interpretation of the mysteries is given here, but attention is called to the spiritual weapons by which the victory was to be won, vv. 12:11.
VISION VIII. Partly Veiled.
If this view is accepted, in the first five verses the one hundred and forty-four thousand represent the outstanding believers of the old dispensation; verses 6-7 would refer to the opening up of worldwide missionary activity ; verses 8-11 are the preliminary announcement of the final victory; and verses 12-13 refer to the blessedness of the believing dead.
VISION IX. Partly Veiled.
Chap. 14. The harvest and vintage of grapes, vv. 16-20.
VISION X. Partly Veiled.
Chap. 15.
Chap. 16. The outpouring of the seven bowls of wrath, vv. 1-21.
VISION XI. Veiled.
Chaps. 17, 18. The doom of Babylon, the harlot city, and the enemies of the Lamb which he shall overcome.
Chap. 19.
VISION XIV. Partly Veiled.
Chap. 20.
Chaps. 21-22. The new heaven and the new earth. The Holy City, a type of the church, the Lamb's wife.
Chap. 21.
Chap. 22. Paradise restored. Distinguishing marks of: the river of life, v. 1; the tree of life, v. 2; removal of the curse, v. 3; the beatific vision and the divine mark on saints, v. 4; eternal day and saints' dominion, v. 5.
The last teachings,