Copyright 1997MWSC/Jeanie C. Crain All rights reserved.

Outline of Bible History

Event or Period

Approximate Dates

bulletAbraham and the Patriarchs -1750-1700 B.C.E. bulletMoses and the Exodus-1290-1250 B.C.E. bulletJoshua and the conquest of Canaan-1210 B.C.E. bulletThe Judges (tribal Confederacy)-1210-1020 B.C.E. bulletThe monarchy-1020-587 B.C.E. bulletThe Prophets-1250-450 B.C.B. bulletDivision of Israel and Judah--922 B.C.E. bulletThe Babylonian exile-587-539 B.C.E. bulletThe Postexilic period-539 B.C.E. -135 C.E. bulletThe period of Hellenism-323-63 B.C.E. bulletThe Maccabean period-165-63 B.C.E. bulletThe Roman period-63 B.C.E.-135 C.E. bulletThe birth of Jesus-4 B.C.E. bulletThe founding of Christianity-30 C.E. bulletPaul’s ministry-33-65 C.E. bulletDevelopment of Christian literature-50-120 C.E. bulletCompletion of the Bible-After 100 C.E.


The Order of the Books of the Hebrew Bible

bulletHebrew Bible bulletThe Law bulletGenesis bulletExodus bulletLeviticus bulletDeuteronomy bulletThe Prophets bulletThe Former Prophets bulletJoshua bulletJudges bulletSamuel bulletKings bulletThe Latter Prophets bulletIsaiah bulletJeremiah bulletEzekial bullet(The Twelve) bulletHosea bulletJoel bulletAmos bulletObadiah bulletJonah bulletMicah bulletNahum bulletHabakkuk bulletZephaniah bulletHaggai bulletZechariah bulletMalachi bulletThe Writings bulletPsalms bulletProverbs bulletJob bulletSong of Songs (Solomon) bulletRuth bulletLamentations bulletEcclesiastes bulletEsther bulletDaniel bulletEzra bulletNehemiah bulletChronicles

The Order of the Books of the Hebrew Bible

bulletProtestant Bible bulletHistory bulletGenesis bulletExodus bulletLeviticus bulletNumbers bulletDeuteronomy bulletJoshua bulletJudges bulletRuth bullet1 Samuel bullet2 Samuel bullet1 Kings bullet2 Kings bullet1 Chronicles bulletEzra bulletNehemiah bulletEsther bulletPoetic Books bulletJob bulletPsalms bulletProverbs bulletEcclesiates bulletSong of Solomon bulletMajor Prophets bulletIsaiah bulletJeremiah, Lamentations bulletEzekiel bulletDaniel bulletMinor Prophets bulletHosea bulletJoel bulletAmos bulletObadiah bulletJonah bulletMicah bulletNahum bulletHabakkuk bulletZephaniah bulletHaggai bulletZechariah bulletMalachi

The Order of the Books of the Hebrew Bible

bulletJerusalem Bible

(with Apocrypha)

bulletThe Pentateuch bulletGenesis bulletExodus bulletLeviticus bulletNumbers bulletDeuteronomy bulletThe Historical Books bulletJoshua bulletJudges bullet1 Samuel bullet2 Samuel bullet1 Kings bullet2 Kings bullet1 Chronicles bullet2 Chronicles bulletEzra and Nehemiah bulletTobit bulletJudith bulletEsther bulletThe First Book of Maccabees bulletThe Second Book of Maccabees bulletThe Wisdom Books bulletJob bulletPsalms bulletProverbs bulletEcclesiastes bulletThe Song of Songs bulletThe Book of Wisdom bulletEcclesiasticus bulletThe Prophets bulletIsaiah bulletJeremiah bulletLamentations bulletBaruch bulletEzekiel bulletDaniel (with additions) bulletHosea bulletJoel bulletAmos bulletObadiah bulletJonah bulletMicah bulletNahum bulletHabakkuk bulletZephaniah bulletHaggai bulletZechariah bulletMalachi

The Story of Genesis

I. The Two Creation Stories (1:1-2:4, 2:5-25)

II. The Fall (3:1-24)

III. Cain and Abel (4:1-24)

IV. Seth (4:25-26)

V. Adam’s Descendants (5:1-32)

VI. The Nephilim (6:1-4)

VII. The Flood (6:5-9:17)

VIII. Noah’s Descendants (9:18-32)

IX. The Tower of Babel (11:1-9)

X. Genealogy to Abraham (11:10-32)


The Story of Moses and the Exodus

I. Preparation for the Exodus

A. The Hebrews become slaves (Ex. 1:1-22)

B. The introduction of Moses (2:1-22)

C. The call of Moses (2:23-4:17)

D. Moses’ return to Egypt (4:18-31)

E. The first encounter with Pharaoh (5:1-5)

F. The ten plagues (7:8-10:29, 12:29-34)

G. The institution of the Passover (12:1-28, 43-51)

II. The Exodus

A. The departure from Egypt (Ex 13:17- 14:14)

B. Crossing the Sea of Reeds (14:15-31)

C. The desert experience (15:22-18:27)

III. The Covenant and the Law

A. The arrival at Sinai (Ex 19:1-2)

B. The Covenant promised (19:3-8)

C. The Ten Commandments (20:1-7)

D. The Book of the Covenant (20:22-23:19)

E. The Covenant affirmed (24:1-18)

IV. The First Failure

A. The Golden Calf (Ex 32:1-35)

B. The relation of the Covenant to the Law (34:10-28)

V. The Departure from Sinai

A. Leaving Sinai (Num 10:1-36)

B. Spying out Canaan (13:1-33)

C. Rebellion, and the consequence (14:1-38)

D. The unsanctioned invasion of Canaan (14:39-45)

The Golden Era of Jewish History

I. Joshua

A. Preparation for conquest (1:1-5:12)

B. Conquest of Jericho (5:13-7:26)

C. Conquest of Ai and other events (8:1- 9:20)

D. North and South subdued (10:1-12:24)

E. Land apportioned and tribes described (13:1-21:45)

F. End of Joshua’s rule (22:1-24:31)

II. Judges

A. Summary of settlement of Canaan (1:1- 2:5)

B. Age of the Judges (2:6-3:6)

C. The individual judges (3:7-16:31)

1. Othniel (3:7-11)

2. Ehud (3:12-30)

3. Shamgar (3:31)

4. Deborah (4:1-5:31)

5. Gideon (6:1-8:35)

6. Abimelech’s abortive kingship


7. Tola (10:1-2)

8. Jair (10:3-5)

9. Jephthah (10:6-12:7)

10. Ibzan (12:8-10)

11. Elon (12:11-12)

12. Abdon (12:13-15)

13. Samson (13:1-16:31)

D. David and Benjaminite stories (17:1-21:25)

III. 1 Samuel

A. The story of Samuel (1:1-7:17)

B. Samuel and Saul (8:1-15:35)

C. Saul and David (16:1-31:13)

1. David flees (22:1-26:25)

2. David among the Philistines (27:1- 31:13)

IV. 2 Samuel

A. David becomes king of Judah (1:1-2:46)

B. David king of all Israel (5:1-8:18)

C. History of David and his family (9:1- 20:26)

D. Other events (21:1-24:25)

V. 1 Kings

A. Solomon becomes king (1:1-2:46)

B. Solomon’s reign (3:1-11:43)

1. The wisdom (3:1-4:1)

2. The builder (5:1-9:25)

3. The trader (9:26-10:29)

4. The king’s decline (11:1-43)

C. The divided kingdom (12:1-22:54)

1. The two kingdoms until Elijah (14:1-16:34)

2. The Elijah cycle (17:1-2 Kings 1:18)

VI. 2 Kings (the divided kingdom continued)

A. Stories about prophets (1:1-13:25)

1. Elisha cycle (2:1-8:29)

2. Anointing of Jehu (9:1-37)

B. Till the fall of the North (14:1-17:41)

C. Till the fall of the South (18:1-25:30)

Major Moments in Jewish History

bulletApproximate Date bullet1750 B.C.E.-Abraham called to his role bullet1250 -Exodus led by Moses bullet1210-Invasion of Canaan led by Joshua bullet1210-1020-Period of tribal confederacy bullet1020-Saul becomes first king of Israel bullet1000-David becomes king bullet961-Solomon becomes king bullet922-Israel and Judah divide bullet721-Israel falls to Assyria bullet621-Josiah’s reform bullet587-Judah falls to Babylon bullet539-Jewish exiles return to Jerusalem bullet520-515-Temple rebuilt bullet458 or later-Period of Ezra and Nehemiah bullet332-Alexander the Great conquers Palestine bullet167-Maccabean War bullet63-Palestine becomes a Roman protectorate bullet70 C.E-Temple destroyed bullet90-Canon of Jewish sculpture established bullet135-Jews expelled from Palestine

Kings of Israel and Judah

bulletSaul 1020-1000 B.C.E. bulletDavid 1000-961 B.C.E. bulletSolomon 961-922 B.C.E. bulletDivision of Monarchy 922 B.C.E. bulletIsrael

Ten Tribes Northern Kingdom

c. 922-721 B.C.E. (fell to Assyria)

bulletJeroboam c. 922-901 bulletNadab c. 901-900 bulletBaasha c. 900-877 bulletElah c. 877-876 bulletJudah

Two Tribes Southern Kingdom

c. 922-587 B.C.E. (fell to Babylon)

bulletBehoboam c. 922-915 bulletAbijah (Abijam) c. 915-913 bulletAsa c. 913-873

Kings of Israel and Judah

bulletZimri c. 876 (7 days)


bulletOmri c. 876-869 bulletAhab c. 869-850 bulletAhaziah c. 850-849 bulletJehoram c. 849-842


bulletJehu c. 842-815 bulletJoahaz c. 815-801 bulletJ(eh)oash c. 801-786 bulletJeroboam II c. 786-764 bulletJehoshaphat c. 873-849 bulletJehoram c. 849-842 bulletAhaziah c. 842 bulletAthaliah= c. 842-837 bulletJoash c. 837-800 bulletAmaziah c. 800-783 bulletUzziah (Azariah) c. 783-742 bulletJotham (regency) c. 750-742, (king) c. 742-735 bulletZechariah (6 mos.) c. 746-745 bulletShallum (1 mo.) c. 745 bulletMenahem c. 745-738 bulletPekahiah c. 738-737 bulletPekah c. 737-732 bulletHosea c. 732-724 bulletIsrael falls 721 B.C.E. bulletJehoahaz (Ahaz) c. 735-715 bulletHezekiah c. 715-687 bulletManasseh c. 687/6-642 bulletAmon c. 642-640 bulletJosiah c. 640-609 bulletJehoahaz II (Shallum) c. 609 (3 mos.) bulletJehoiakim (Eliakim) c. 609-598 bulletJehoiachin (Jeconiah) c. 598-597 (3 mos.) bulletZedekiah (Mattaniah) c. 597-587 bulletJudah falls 587 B.C.E.

The Prophets of the Literary Tradition
Luke’s View of the Beginnings of Christianity

I. Jesus Ascends to Heaven (Acts 1:6-11)

II. Church Founded at Jerusalem (1:12-4:37)

bulletA. The replacement of Judas (1:15-26) bulletB. The Spirit of Pentecost (2:1-36) bulletC. The first converts (2:37-47) bulletD. Evidence of the Spirit in the Church (3:1-5:42)

Luke’s View of the Beginnings of Christianity

III. The Early Church (6:1-12:25)

bulletA. Diaspora Jews included in Christianity (6:1-7:60) bulletB. Missions outside Jerusalem (8:4-8:40) bullet1. Samaritans included (8:4-8) bullet2. Diaspora Jews included (8:26-40) bulletC. Conversion of Saul (9:1-30) bulletD. Peter’s vision: Gentiles included (10:1- 48) bulletE. The church at Antioch (11:19-30) bulletF. Peter’s arrest and deliverance (12:1-35)

Luke’s View of the Beginnings of Christianity

IV. Paul and His Missionary Activity

A. First missionary journey (13:1-14:28)

B. The Jerusalem Council (15:1-35)

C. Second missionary journey (15:36-18:17)

D. Third missionary journey (18:18-20:38)

E. Journey to Jerusalem, arrest, and trial (21:1-26:32)

F. Journey to Rome (27:1-28:31)