Copyright 1997MWSC/Jeanie C. Crain All
rights reserved.
I. The Exodus 1-18
II. The Law 19-24
III. The Tabernacle 25-40
I. The Old Generation 1-14
II. The Transition 15-20
III. The New Generation 21-36
- Exodus
- Tabernacle 25.8-Yahwel to dwell in their midst
- Passover 12 (10th plague-smiting of first-born)
- Depart from Sinai-40.36
- Numbers
- Tabernacle -finished setting up 7
- Passover 9 (2nd year out of Egypt, Sinai Wilderness)
- Depart from Sinai-10.11 (2nd year, 2nd month)
- Exodus
- Manna-Wilderness of Sin, Sinaitic Peninsula 16.4; also, quail 16.13
- Water from Rock of Horeb 17.6,7h
- Numbers
- Complain about having only manna--11.6; quails 11.31; plague 11.33
- Water from the rock-Meribah 20.11-13
- Exodus
- 11.17 One year lapsed from Exodus to erecting of tabernacle
("in the first month in the second year")
- Leviticus instruction- 1 month
- 35 years at Kadesh
- Numbers
- One month between erecting tabernacle and numbering of people
("first day of the second month, in the second year")
- Moses’ farewell address (Dt 1.3)at end of 40th year
- Census 1.2
- Camp strategically distributed 2
- Services of Levites appointed 3
- Readiness to advance to Canaan’s border 11-13
- Kadesh is reached; Canaan is in sight,
- Tragic breakdown: Israel rebels; judgment falls
- 40 years of wandering sets in (Aaron dies 40th year
- 1st generation dies 26.63.
- New generation assembles at Kadesh.
- New Numbering 26.
- Fresh advance to plain of Moab 35.
- Final Preparations to possess land 36.
Covenant: Faith
- Ex. 2.24 "God heard their groaning, and God
remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob."
- 6.4-5 "I have established my covenant with them
(Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), to give them the land of Canaan… I have also
heard the groaning… and I have remembered my covenant."
Covenant: Works and Obedience
- Exodus 19.8 "All the people answered together and
said: All that the Lord hath spoken we will do."
- Ex. 24.7 "And they said: All that the Lord hath
said we will do, and be obedient."
self-righteousness, grave presumption? Shift from faith-basis to works-basis.
of Law
- Provides standard of righteousness: Divine ideal for
character and conduct;
- Exposes and identifies sin;
- Reveals Divine holiness