A Study Guide by Mark Copeland
B. W. Johnson Commentary on Ephesians
Bible Commentaries by David Guzik
Bible Study Tools from Crosswalk
Bible Versions and Audio of Ephesians (You should go to Bible Gateway and key in Ephesians in passage search.
Chowan College Paul's Letters
Contains maps as well as details Paul's background, conversion, and journeys.
Daniel B. Wallace http://www.bible.org/docs/soapbox/epohl.htm
Ephesian Study Guide with Virtual Tour of Ephesus
He describes and proves how Paul changed what Jesus had taught, how Paul's ideology serves the establishment instead of the people, and how this became Christianity's official doctrine. On the other hand Manfred Davidmann shows that the Talmud (especially the Mishnah) tells how Hillel changed Judaism in the same way, to what it is today.
Introduction to Ephesians
Jamie, Fausset, Brown Commentary on the whole Bible
John Gill's Exposition of the Bible
Map of the Seven Churches of Asia
New Testament Gateway Paul the Apostle
On-line and off-line Resources for the study of Ephesians
Origin of Christianity and Judaism Mannfred Davidmann
Outstanding are the sections on Paul and the Gospels: Manfred Davidmann shows that Paul's ideology was first opposed and that successive gospel writers then changed the record in Paul's favour, and how they did it.
Peter Richardson "The Historical Paul"
Resources for the Study of Ephesians
Robert M. Price The Evolution of the Pauline Canon
Sermons on Ephesians
Sources for the Study of Ephesians
St. Paul Apostle to the Gentiles
The Birth of the Christian Religion The Jesus Mysteries Page
The Dead Sea Scrolls, within the context of the findings reported here, become much more meaningful. In turn, the knowledge gained from them is part of the pattern of events recorded here for the first time.
The Evolution of the Pauline Canon Robert Price
This site contains links to studies and works portraying Paul as forsaking the Torah.
Wayne A. Meeks Paul's Mission and Letters
What you find here is scientific analysis of facts established by the methods of biblical archaeology.