Prominent Women

of the








by Stephanie Sweiger


Table of Contents


Introduction 1


Old Testament


Abigail 3 Michal 14

Athaliah 4 Miriam 15

Bath-Sheba 5 Naomi 16

Deborah 6 Queen of Sheba 17

Esther 7 Rachel 18

Eve 8 Rahab 19

Hannah 9 Rebekah 20

Huldah 10 Ruth 21

Jael 11 Sarah 22

Jezebel 12 Queen Vashti 23

Leah 13 Witch of Endor 24







New Testament

Anna 26 Mary (John Mark) 32

Bernice 26 Mary of Bethany 32

Dorcas 27 Mary Magdalene 34

Elisabeth 28 Priscilla 35

Eunice 29 Salome 35

Herodias 29 Sapphira 36

Martha 30 Syrophoenician Woman 36

Mary (James) 31 Woman of Samaria 37

Mary (Jesus) 32







It is fascinating to stop and think how big the role of women play in everyday lives. No, this is not going toward a feminist movement, but just think about our society today. Many women are now in the work force, not just because they have to help support their families, but because they want to make a difference.

Well, just how long ago did that start? Ever since the beginning of creation the woman’s role was important. Look at the story of Adam and Eve. God created Adam and gave him dominion over all of the creatures of the earth, but their was still something missing. Adam needed a help mate to help him care for the animals. So then out of Adam, God created Eve to be that special part and help mate of Adam. Just remember, the creation story is not the only important role for women, but it was certainly a beginning.

Many women are mentioned throughout the Bible. But what is really meant when "prominent" is placed before women. According to Webster’s Dictionary, prominent is considered as conspicuous, important, or jutting out. This guide is to take you through the Bible as a whole and look at these women and decide for yourself if prominent is the best word used to describe these women.

The list of names in the table of contents were found in the Hyper Bible and that led to an arouse in interest. However, this study guide is to familiarize


yourself with the roles that these women had that may have been forgotten or not even mentioned in everyday sermons or studies.

Throughout the course of this study, you will find the passages in the Old and New Testaments in which each of these women are found. Each woman will have a discussion paragraph or two that will follow such passages. At the end of each one there will be a few questions that will help to remember and even search these women to a further extent.

For even future studying, this could lead up to the important roles of their husbands, if the women were married. Another study that could be linked with this is their relationship to Yahweh. How they obeyed or hearkened to His voice, etc.

This study guide is primarily set up for students in grades ranging from sixth to eighth. I want to be able to get the knowledge out of other important women figures in the Bible that I did not learn about. So grab your Bibles and watch your knowledge unfold before you.






















Scripture reference: 1 Samuel 25, 30:18, 2 Samuel 3:3

Abigail comes into the Biblical scene at the time of David’s monarchy. She is the wife of a surly and mean man in Maon named Nabal. Saul has just died and King David moves into the Desert of Maon. David sends his servants with a message to Nabal asking for whatever he can give them at this time of festivity. Nabal declines by saying he does not know the David, son of Jesse.

Abigail is shown as a women with great strength and courage for her deeds and works. She is put to the test by going against her husband’s wishes of not serving David. She finds out about the insults and mistreatment that her husband, Nabal, did. Therefore, she carries goods and supplies to David and his servants. Not only does she give him goods, but she puts the blame on her shoulders and not on Nabal.

The following day, Abigail tells Nabal of her doings. Quickly after his heart fails him and becomes like stone. After a brief period Nabal is struck by God and dies. Upon hearing this, David sends for Abigail to be his other wife. She accepts and becomes his newest wife next to Ahinoam.

Abigail was remembered mainly for her kindness shown to David and his servants. However, she and his other wife were later taken captive by the Amalekites, but were brought back (1 Samuel 30:18). She gave birth to David’s second born son, Kileab.


  1. What is the time period of the monarchy of David, when Abigail is mentioned?


  1. Why did Abigail go to David and bring him supplies and what were they?


  1. When Abigail went to David, what was his reaction?


  1. What was God’s intervention in the life of Abigail?


  1. Kileab was the second born of David by Abigail. Name and list in order his

other sons.




Scripture reference: 2 Kings 11

Athaliah was a woman that becomes known after the rule of Jehu. During the rule of Jehu, Athaliah’s son was killed because of the wrong doing in the sight of the Lord. As ruler, Jehu went throughout the land and killed those that worshipped Baal. Mainly this categorized the house of Ahab.

After hearing about her son’s murder, Athaliah lost control, you might say. She proceeded to destroy the whole royal family that may have included her own kin so that she could take the reign. During this rage of hatred, Athaliah’s daughter, Jehosheba took the late Ahaziah’s son, Joash, into hiding from the wishes of her mother. For a period of time he was hidden until he took the reign.

At the time of him taking the reign, they brought him out of hiding for the people to see their new king. At the sound of the commotion, Athaliah fled from the sight, but just as she reached the entrance of the palace, they seized her and it was there that they killed her.

At this point in time her prominence in the story was killing off the royal family, but it was her daughter that saved the reign for the people by hiding the grandson, Joash, from his grandmother, Athaliah.



  1. Who was the son of Athaliah that caused such an outrage of violence?


  1. How long did Jehosheba keep Joash in secret hiding before he was brought

out to take reign?


  1. As the people cheered for their new king, Joash, Athaliah heard the commotion and came out to see. When she did, she acted in two different ways of saying something and doing an action. What were these two things she did?


4. Why did the guards wait to seize and kill her outside the city gates?



Scripture references: 2 Samuel 11:1-4

Bath-sheba is in the time period of David’s monarchy. At this particular time when the story unfolds before us, the men of David are sent off to war to defeat the Ammonites and Rabbah. However, David stays back in Jerusalem.

It is then that he falls into trouble.

King David goes out on the roof of the palace for a walk and discovered that he could see a beautiful woman bathing. He lusted after her and sent for his servants and asked who she was. After finding out that she was the wife of Uriah the Hittite, he then sent for her. She then went to David and slept with her. After leaving David, she discovered that she was pregnant.

King David sent for Uriah and asked how the war was going. Upon Uriah returning to the battle, David sent word to Joab, the commander of David’s army, and told him to put Uriah in the front line of battle. Joab did so and Uriah was killed in the battle. When David officially found out, he sent for Bath-sheba to be his wife after her time of mourning.


  1. Who was Bath-sheba the daughter of?


  1. What sin was committed by both Bath-sheba and David?


  1. Who was Uriah and what was his relationship to Bath-sheba and King David?


  1. At what time of the year does this battle take place?


  1. What is Bath-sheba’s significance to King David and how does this significance relate in the eyes of God.









Scripture references: Judges 4:5 & 5

The story of Deborah unfolds at the time when Israel has fallen under the hands of Jabin, a king of Canaan. The army commander for Jabin was a man by the name of Sisera. These men oppressed the Israelites for twenty years the therefore the Israelites cried for help.

Deborah was an answer to their prayers. She was a prophetess and was leading Israel at that time. She sent for a man by the name of Barak. She told him to go to Jabin’s army and take ten thousand men to lure Sisera and the army in his hands.

Barak, however, was not as eager to go and therefore Deborah went with him. When they reached Mount Tabor, Barak led his ten thousand troops against Sisera and his army. Sisera was led right in the way of Barak with the help of the Lord. Sisera’s army fell while Sisera fled on foot. Not one man lived of Sisera’s army.

So Deborah’s faith, encouragement, and determination was the answer to Israel’s cry for help. She followed the ways of God.



  1. Who had just died when the Israelites began doing evil in the eyes of the Lord?


  1. Who was the husband of Deborah?


  1. Name and describe the role that Deborah was given in the Bible.


  1. What was done by Deborah and Barak at the end of the battle?








Scripture references: Book of Esther

The story of Esther begins with a king named Xerxes. His queen at the time has disobeyed him and enraged him. So by this, he gained advice from his counselors to seek another queen. So all in all he sent word out for all the virgin women to come to the palace. It was when Mordecai’s adopted daughter, Esther, went to the king that things changed.

Mordecai was a Jew and Esther was raised as a Jew. But he instructed not to tell her king about her people. The king, after seeing Esther, saw favor in her and made her the new queen.

Haman, a high and respected servant of the king, ordered that all of the Jews be killed, because of Mordecai’s disrespect for him. When Mordecai found out he sent word to Esther to do something about it. She responded of being afraid of the king killing her by coming to him without being asked to come. After responding to Mordecai a few more times, she asked for him and all of the Jews to fast and prayer for her. Then she went to her king.

Upon entering his presence, he asked for her request. She requested that both he and Haman attend a banquet that night. There, the king asked again and she requested that they attend a royal banquet the next night to find out her request.

At the next day’s banquet she made her request that her life be spared along with her people. The king was enraged to find out someone had ordered that to happen. He asked of whom gave the order and gave orders to have that person killed. So Esther’s request was honored and she and her people were saved.


  1. Esther’s adopted father was Mordecai, but to whom was she born to?


  1. Before she went to the king she had to go through twelve months of what?


  1. Who was the man that ordered the Jews be killed and what happen to him?



Scripture references: Genesis 2 & 3

Eve is a woman that began it all. It was after the six days of creation that God decided that there should be man ruling over the animals, so He made man out of His own image. After a period of time, he decided man should not be alone, but should have a help mate.

So God put Adam into a deep sleep and took a rib out of Adam and created woman. He called her Eve. The relationship between these two and God was an amazing friendship. In the Garden of Eden, where they were, God forbid them to eat off the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, or they would surely die.

A serpent in the Garden told Eve that God would surely not kill her because He would know that her eyes would be opened and that she would be like God, all knowing. So Eve partook of the fruit and gave some to her husband, Adam. This one single step changed the outcome of man.

When Adam and Eve heard footsteps in the garden, they ran and hid because they knew that they were naked. God then realized what they had done and asked why they had to disobey and choose that particular tree. Because of this action, the serpent, the woman, and the man were cursed.



  1. What did God use to create the first woman?


  1. When both Adam and Eve ate of the tree, what did they do to their bodies?


  1. Name and describe the curses given to the serpent, Adam, and Eve.


  1. What was the meaning behind Adam naming his wife Eve?







Scripture references: 1 Sam 1, 24-28, 2:20

Elkanah was a man from Ramathaim. He had two wives, one of which was Hannah. Hannah was his favorite of the two, but she could not bare him any children. Not only was this a terrible thing, but her rival, Elkanah’s other wife, caused her grief for being barren.

In much sorrow, Hannah wept and prayed to the Lord. She prayed that if the Lord would give her a son then she would give him to the Lord. When she prayed, the priest observed her and thought she was drunk. She explained of her feelings and the priest granted her peace.

After returning home, Hannah laid with her husband and the Lord remembered her prayer. So Hannah conceived and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel.

After his weaning age, Hannah took him to the house of the Lord to be dedicated. Samuel grew up serving the Lord. Hannah was blessed after Samuel and gave birth to two more sons and two daughters.



  1. What was Hannah’s vow to the Lord concerning her son to be?


  1. Who was Hannah’s rival, in other words who was Elkanah’s other wife?


  1. Why did the priest assume Hannah was drunk?


  1. What did Hannah take with her when she went to the house of the Lord to dedicate Samuel?











Scripture references: 2 Kings 22:14-20

Huldah is an important figure in the time of Josiah’s reign. She was a prophetess that Hilkiah the priest, Ahikam, Acbor, Shaphan, and Asaiah went to speak to. She lived in Jerusalem where they traveled.

Their travel to her was because of their recent findings in the temple that they were rebuilding. Their discovery of the Book of the Law led to questions and therefore Josiah wanted to know the plans of the Lord.

Upon asking Huldah, she prophesied to them that the Lord was going to bring disaster on the place because of the sin and burned sacrifices to other gods. However, upon hearing their response of humbleness God tells Huldah to tell them that He will not bring the disaster upon the place, but that they will be buried in peace when it is their time to go.



  1. Why did the group of people go to see the prophetess, Huldah?


  1. To whom was Huldah married to and where were they from?


  1. What is the answer that Huldah gives the men the first time and what is their response?


4. How is the mercy of the Lord shown to the people of Judah?












Scripture references: Judges 1:16, 4:11-23, and 5:6, 24-27

Jael plays a role with Deborah in the Bible. As mentioned before in the study of Deborah, the Israelites fall into the hands of Jabin, king of Canaan, and his army is led by Sisera.

Where Jael falls into play is after the ten thousand men with Barak win the battle against Sisera and his army and Sisera flees. Sisera goes to the tent of Jael because of friendly relations between Jabin the king and Heber the Kenite. As she sees Sisera she welcomes him in and covers him.

In the tent Sisera asks for something to drink and she gives him a skin of milk to drink. He asks her to keep an eye out for anyone to come by and tells her not to acknowledge his existence to them.

As Sisera falls to sleep, Jael goes to him and kills him. After the death of Sisera, the Bible goes on to tell in chapter 5 the song in which Deborah sings. Within that song, she mentions the duty and deed that was performed by Jael.




  1. From where did Jael travel and where did she and her husband live?


  1. What was the name of her husband?


  1. What was the method in which Jael killed Sisera?


  1. Upon killing Sisera, what impact did that have on the Israelites and Canaanites?









Scripture reference: 1 Kings 16:31-34, 18, 21, and 2 Kings 9

Ahab became king of Judah in the thirty-eighth year of Asa. He did much evil in the eyes of the Lord. Not only committing sins of Jeroboam, but marrying Jezebel. She was a big worshipper of the god, Baal. Together they set up alters and made Asherah poles to provoke the Lord.

Because of the sin in the land under Ahab and Jezebel, there was a mighty famine in the land. Jezebel was killing off the prophets of God, but Obadiah, a devout believer in the Lord, had hidden 100 prophets in two caves.

Elijah was a prophet of God that as wanting the people to see their mistakes for worshipping other gods. He set up different tasks for there to be a "show off" between God and their Baal god. Through each task, Elijah’s God stood and Jezebel’s Baal did not.

Jezebel goes on to be mentioned of doing evil deeds in chapter 21 concerning Naboth and her husband Ahab. Elijah again comes into play and faces Jezebel and Ahab and warns there will be disaster in the land because of the sin. He forewarns Jezebel that she will be devoured by dogs.

In 2 Kings, Jehu is anointed as king of Israel and is commanded by God to destroy all the works of Jezebel and Ahab and not to leave one man alive. When he arrived, Jezebel had painted herself and upon seeing this Jehu ordered that she be thrown out the window. She did and was killed



  1. Where is Jezebel from?


  1. What act of worship did she have an influence on with Ahab?


  1. Why did Jezebel have Naboth put to death?


  1. How did the prophesy of Elijah come true in the death of Jezebel?




Scripture references: Genesis 29:23, 33 and 30

Leah was the oldest daughter to Laban of Haran. Jacob, son of Isaac, went to Laban fleeing from his brother Esau. Upon going there he discovered that Laban had two daughters, Leah and Rachel. Jacob fell in love with Rachel and made a wager with Laban. It was agreed that he would work for Laban for seven years in return for Rachel’s hand in marriage.

At the end of seven years, a big feast was held and Laban gave Jacob Leah instead of Rachel. Upon the morning when Jacob discovered whom it was he was with he went to Laban asking why he had done this. Laban responded that it was not customary to give up the youngest daughter before the oldest was married.

Laban then told him to finish out the bridal week with Leah and the next week Rachel could be his in exchange for another seven years of work. Even after Jacob taking two wives he loved Rachel more. For this, the Lord was compassion on Leah and she became pregnant, but He left Rachel bare.

Leah bore Jacob three sons before Rachel gave Jacob her maidservant to sleep with. After Bilhah, Rachel’s maidservant, Leah gave Jacob her maidservant, Zilpah, to sleep with. And Zilpah bore two more sons to Jacob and Leah. For the fifth birth, Leah conceived and gave birth to a son and later to a daughter.



  1. What does the Bible say that Leah has, and what does that mean in your opinion?


  1. What were the names of all six of her children and what was the meaning behind the five boys?


3. After which son did Leah send her maidservant to sleep with Jacob?






Scripture references: 1 Samuel 14:49, 18:27-28, 2 Samuel 3:14-15, 6:16-23

Michal was yet another wife of David. She was the daughter of Saul and because David took as his wife, Saul despised David even more until his death. Yet, before David could take Michal as his wife, he had to do a certain task to meet Saul’s criteria. He did so and she became his wife.

After Saul’s death his house and David’s was involved in a war. During this war Michal was placed in the hands of Abner, the commander of the army. When Abner sent messengers on his behalf to David, David demanded one thing that his wife be returned. So she was then returned.

It was later in chapter 6 of 2 Samuel that Michal saw David in a different way. As the ark of the Lord was entering the City of David, Michal watched from a window her husband. He danced and leaped and she despised him in her heart.

When he came home, Michal greeted him and told him of her feelings toward his actions shown earlier. David then responded to her that the Lord chose him to be where he is and that he will celebrate before the Lord. Michal had no children to the day of her death.



  1. Michal was the daughter of Saul. Name her mother and siblings.


  1. David had to meet certain criteria in order for Michal to become his wife. What did Saul ask him to bring him?


  1. Michal was disturbed by the actions of David. What in particular was she upset about?









Scripture references: Exodus 2:4-8, 15:20, Numbers 12:2-15, 20:1, 26:59,

1 Chron. 6:3

Miriam comes into the Bible as a life preserver of her younger brother, Moses. During the time of Pharaoh, he ordered that all the boys born would be thrown into the Nile river. Moses’s mother hid him for three months, and then made a basket of papyrus and tar pitch. Miriam placed him in the reeds along the Nile to hide him. She stood hidden watching her brother. It was Pharaoh’s daughter that discovered him and wanted to keep him. Miriam then made herself known and told the princess that she knew of a Hebrew woman that could nurse him.

Another role of Miriam’s was leading the victory dance after the parting and crossing of the Red Sea. Not only did she dance, but she sang unto the Lord. She like Aaron and Moses, was an important role for the people. She became a prophetess.

However, she did have fault like all. She and Aaron began to talk about Moses’ wife who was a Cushite. They felt like they weren’t getting credit like they should for the Lord using them and speaking through them. The Lord became angry with them and placed leprosy upon Miriam. She was not healed until later because of the selfishness.




  1. When Miriam hid Moses from being killed and the Pharaoh’s daughter found him, what woman nursed Moses?


  1. How many days did Miriam have the leprosy disease? And how did that prevent the Israelites from going any further?


  1. Who was the father of Miriam, Moses and Aaron?







Scripture references: Ruth 1:2, 1:14-19, 20, 21 and chapters 3 & 4

Naomi and Elimelech, her husband, and two sons went to the country of Moab. After the death of Elimelech, Naomi was left with her two sons. Each of her sons married Moabite women, Orpah and Ruth. After ten years living in the land of Moab both of her sons died and she was left without her husband and two sons.

She then heard that in her homeland the famine was over and therefore, she wanted to return. But, she granted best wishes to her daughters that they would go back home to their mothers. They wept and plead that they go on with her back to where they were. But Naomi wanted them to go, so Orpah went and kissed her goodbye. However, Ruth stayed back and was determined to go with Naomi. When Naomi realized such great determination she did not stop her.

As Naomi returned back to her homeland, she was greeted with much excitement and surprise from the others. They called her by name, but she did not want to hear that name but wanted to be called Mara.



  1. What was the land in which Naomi departed from and came back to?


  1. What were the names of her two sons that died ten years later in the land of Moab?


  1. Why did Naomi want to be called Mara and not Naomi?


  1. In chapter 3, what is Ruth asked to do by Naomi?

5. What does Naomi do in chapter 4 when she returns from Moab?






Queen of Sheba

Scripture reference: 1 Kings 10:1-13, 2 Chron. 9:1-12, Matt 12:42, Luke 11:31

Queen of Sheba is mentioned because of her visit to King Solomon. She was curious to find out about his fame and relation to the name of the Lord. She arrived in Jerusalem with various goods packed on camels to bring her greetings to Solomon.

As she came to Solomon she talked with him about all that was on her mind and her questions. Solomon in return answered her questions. Queen of Sheba was amazed at the wisdom of Solomon and the wealth of his palace. She had heard different stories, but none compared to what she saw. In fact, the reports that were given to her in her country were very much true, but she could not believe it until she saw them. With much praise to God and to Solomon for his works he had done, she left him with gifts of her own.

In Matthew, Jesus mentions the Queen of Sheba by saying that she will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it. He mentions at that same scripture the visit that she pays to Solomon.



  1. Why did the Queen visit Solomon

  3. When Queen of Sheba first arrives at the palace of Solomon, what does she see?


  1. After giving praise to God and being so pleased with all she has seen, what

does she leave Solomon as a gift?


4. When Jesus speaks of the Queen, what name does He use?








Scripture references: Genesis 29-31, 35:20

As in the story of Leah, Rachel is the youngest daughter of Laban, the Haranite. When Jacob flees from Esau, he goes to Laban. The first time he sees Rachel he wants her for his wife. Laban promises to give her to him after seven years of work. After the seventh year, Laban holds a feast and gives Leah to Jacob without him knowing it.

The next morning Jacob asks Laban why he did what he did. Laban said that it was not customary for the youngest to be married before the oldest. Laban told Jacob that he was to spend Leah’s bridal week with her, then the next would be Rachel’s, only if he promised to work seven more years with him.

Rachel is barren for many years. During those years she becomes jealous of her sister Leah, who is giving Jacob children. She then gave Jacob her maidservant, Bilhah, to bear him children for her. She named the conceived son of Bilhah, Dan. Again Bilhah conceived and bore Naphtali. Then the time came when God heard Rachel and opened her womb and she bore a son named Joseph.

After a period of time they moved on from Bethel. Rachel began to give birth with great difficulty. Her midwife was there to help her and as she gave her last breath, she gave birth to a son whom she called Ben-Oni.



  1. What was the meaning behind the name of the first child that Rachel’s maidservant had?


  1. What did Rachel say after she gave birth to her first son, Joseph?


  1. What was the difference between Rachel’s name given to her last son and Jacob’s name given?


4. What was placed in memory of Rachel’s grave by Jacob?





Scriptures references: Joshua 2:1-24

At the time of Joshua, he sent two spies to go to Jericho and look over the land. So, when they approached Jericho, they entered the house of a prostitute names Rahab. However, when they were entering the house, they were seen and reported to the king of Jericho.

A message was then given to Rahab to release the men that entered her house. But, she responded that they were gone while they were really hiding. The servants searched her house and found nothing. Rahab told them to go quickly and they might catch up with the men, for they just left.

After, the servants had gone, the spies came down and she told them to go to the hill and hide out for three days. They were to wait until the others came back from looking for them.

Before letting them leave, Rahab wanted them to promise the spare of her and her family’s lives. The spies told her to hang a scarlet cord in the window that they were to climb down, and their lives would be spared.



  1. Where was the place that the spies were hiding at?


  1. How did Rahab let the men out of her house?


  1. What was the agreement in detail that was made between Rahab and the men?


4. Who were the people that Rahab wanted their lives spared?









Scripture references: Genesis 24:15,47, 25:20, 26:6-9, 27:46

At the time of Abraham, he was getting older and he wanted to find his son, Isaac, a suitable wife. So he sent a servant to search for a wife in his own country. Abraham told him to look for a sign from the ladies and the first to offer a drink and water the camels, too was to be his wife.

The servant reached a well outside the town of Nahor. He began to pray for the success of finding such a woman. Before the prayer was finished, Rebekah came to the well. Quickly the servant approached and asked for a little drink of water. Not only did she get a drink, but drew water for his camels. The servant quickly praised God for finding the wife for Isaac.

Isaac prayed on behalf of his wife Rebekah because she was barren. The Lord answered his prayer and Rebekah became pregnant. She not only was pregnant, but was going to have twins. She gave birth to twin boys, one of which was named Esau, and one was named Jacob.

After the birth, they went to Gerar, and when they asked about Isaac’s wife he told them that she was his sister, so that there was no fear of him being killed because of her beauty. Their lives were spared even after finding out the truth.




1. What land did Isaac’s wife come from?


2. Who was Rebekah’s father and who was her brother?


  1. What were the differences mentioned in the Bible about the two boys of Rebekah?


4. Which of the boys was Rebekah’s favorite and which was Isaac’s?





Scripture reference: the Book of Ruth

Ruth was a Moabite that married into the family of Elimelech and Naomi to Mahlon. After ten years living in Moab, Ruth’s husband and brother-in-law die, so it is Naomi, Orpah and herself left. Naomi hears that the famine in Bethlehem is over and wants to go back. Both Ruth and Orpah want to return with her, but she insists that they go back to their own families. Orpah then leaves, but Ruth stays with Naomi and is determined to go with Naomi.

They traveled back to the land of Judah just as the time was for harvesting the barley in the fields. Naomi told her to go behind the harvesters in the field and pick up the leftovers of which they leave behind. Upon being in the fields a certain man, Boaz, shows kindness to her. He tells his men not to make fun or pick at her.

She is allowed to follow Boaz’s servant girls throughout the field so that she will not be harmed. Ruth is following Naomi’s advice as she goes through each day. Boaz decides that he is going to invest in the land of Elimelech, but does not want the land to loose the name. He then takes Ruth to be his wife.



  1. What is the scripture in which Ruth tells her mother-in-law that she will not leave her side?


  1. What is the people’s reaction to see Naomi and Ruth coming back into Judah?


  1. What is the kindness shown to Boaz by Ruth at the Threshing Floor and likewise with Ruth by Boaz?


  1. What do the elders bless the couple with as they are just married?







Scripture references: Genesis 11-24

Sarah was a woman of faith and remember most by her age. Sarah was the wife of Abraham. God instructed Abraham to pack up his things, take his wife and nephew, to a new land and that his seed would be multiplied. They traveled to Egypt where Abraham told Sarah to go along with the idea that she was his sister.

Abraham was treated well in the house of Pharaoh because of his wife, Sarah. But when Pharaoh found out because of the diseases that were coming upon his people, he asked why Abraham would do such a thing. After finding out Pharaoh told them to depart.

Now Sarah was a barren woman and she had reached an older age. She had a maidservant by the name of Hagar. She gave her to Abraham to sleep with in order for his seed to go on. However, when she found out that Hagar was pregnant she began to despise her. So Sarah began to mistreat her and she fled off into the wilderness. An angel of the Lord appeared to Hannah saying that she would have a son and name him Ishmael.

Now when Sarah and Abraham were ninety and one hundred, the Lord appeared to him and said that Sarah would conceive a child. They called their son Isaac. Sarah lived on to be one hundred and twenty-seven years old.



  1. Why was it that Abraham told Pharaoh the she was his sister?


  1. Why did Sarah mistreat her maidservant, Hagar?


  1. How old was Sarah when she bore Isaac?


4. Where did Sarah die?





Queen Vashti

Scripture references: Esther 1

Queen Vashti is important because if she would not have refused then Esther would not have become the queen and the Jews would not have been saved. She was married to King Xerxes, which at that time was going to hold a banquet for his nobles and officials.

Queen Vashti also held a banquet for the women in the royal palace of King Xerxes. When the king was in high spirits from all of the excitement of the banquet, he made a request for his wife to be sent to him . After the request was made known, Queen Vashti refused to come to his presence. The king became furious for her disobedience.

King Xerxes made the matter known and brought it to the experts that dealt with matters of law and justice. He was not sure of what to do in the matter. They replied that she not only did wrong against the king, but also did wrong against the nobles and the people of all the provinces of King Xerxes. So their advice was to have King Xerxes issue a royal decree that stated Vashti to never enter into the presence of the king again.




  1. Describe some of the things that were at the banquet for the nobles and officials.


  1. Why did King Xerxes ask for the Queen to be brought down to the banquet?


  1. Who were the experts the King consulted when she refused to come?


  1. What were the experts afraid that this matter may start if she was to remain queen?






Witch of Endor

Scripture references: 1 Samuel 28:7

The witch of Endor came into play when Saul and David were about to face each other. The Philistines were camped at Shunem, while Saul gathered all the Israelites and set up at Gilboa. Saul had previously expelled all of the mediums and spiritist from the land.

Saul cried out to the Lord and waited for a dream or Urim or prophets, but there was no response. So he called to his attendants to find him a woman who was a medium. They found one in Endor and he disguised himself and went.

He went to her and asked her to consult a spirit for him. The woman was hesitant at first to follow his orders, but then he assured her nothing would happen to her. So she called up Samuel, who was already dead, and when Saul saw him he cried out to Samuel for guidance. Samuel, though, replied that God had chosen David to rule because of Saul’s disobedience.

The witch, after he had received the answer, offered him water and food. Saul refused, but with the help of his men they got him to eat something that was prepared for him. After they had eaten, the men got up and left to return to Gilboa.




  1. Why did Saul consult the Witch of Endor?


  1. Why was she so hesitant to call a spirit for him?


  1. When Saul saw Samuel, what was Samuel’s response to Saul?


4. What did the witch tell Saul after he had seen Samuel?



























Scripture references: Luke 2:36-38

Anna was a prophetess of God and was very old. She had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage and then was a widow. She was a devout woman that never left the temple, but worshipped night and day, fasting and praying.

After the time of Jesus’ birth, Mary and Joseph went to the temple. At the temple Anna came to them at once. She praised God for this child. She then spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.


  1. To whom was Anna married to?


  1. Where was she and her husband from?


3. How long did Anna live to be?



Scripture references: Acts 25:23 and 26:30

Bernice is only mentioned in Acts during the trial of Paul to spare his life for his teachings. According to the Harper’s Bible Dictionary, Bernice is the daughter of Herod and sister of Agrippa II. She was suspected of having a relationship with her own brother and while she was in Rome was a mistress of Titus. Throughout the New Testament she was recognized as an evil woman.


  1. What was the situation in Acts that Bernice’s name is mentioned?


2. What was the decision in the case of Paul?






Scripture references: Acts 9:36

Dorcas is an important role because of the miracle performed on her by Peter. She was a disciple that was always showing mercy and helping the poor. However, Dorcas became sick and died and they washed her body and placed it in an upstairs room.

Peter was in Lydda when two men came to him and said that they needed his help at once. When he arrived, all of the widows were around Dorcas and were crying. Peter told them to leave and when they did, he got down on his knees and prayed. He turned to her and told her to get up. She opened her eyes and got up. He then called the believers and widows and gave her to them. Many believed the Lord because of this miracle.




  1. Dorcas was a translated name. What was her original name before the translation?


  1. Where was she from?


  1. What were the widows doing when Peter came to the upper room?


4. What was the reaction of the people after the resurrection of Dorcas?












Scripture references: Luke 1


Elisabeth was the wife of a priest, Zechariah, and was to be the mother of a prominent individual. Zechariah was shown a vision while he went into the temple. An angel, by the name of Gabriel, came to him and foretold of his son’s birth. He spoke about what the child was to be and that his name was to be called John.

Zechariah was in disbelief because of his age especially his wife’s age. Because of his disbelief he was not able to speak until the day of the child’s birth. Upon returning back to home, his wife Elisabeth became pregnant and for five months she stayed in seclusion.

After a period of time, Mary came to visit Elisabeth and share with her the news that Gabriel had told her. Mary was to be the mother of the son of God. Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit when she found out about the news.

When Elisabeth had her son, many of the people were joyous because of the mercy shown by God to her. When they were going to circumcise him on the eighth day, they people were going to name him Zechariah, but Elisabeth cried out John. So the people went to Zechariah and he wrote his name is to be John and with that the mouth of Zechariah was opened.




  1. What was the name of Elisabeth’s husband?


2. Who was Elisabeth a descendent from?


  1. What was the prophesy spoke about John?


4. What happened to Elisabeth’s baby when it heard of Mary’s news?





Scripture references: 2 Timothy 1:5 and Acts 16:1

Eunice is brought to us first in Acts by stating that she is the mother of Timothy. At this time Timothy joined Paul and Silas. Later in 2 Timothy, Paul is greeting Timothy in a letter. There again it is made known that Eunice is Timothy’s mother. Paul recognizes her as a woman of great faith that is being carried on down to her son.


  1. Who was Eunice married to?


  1. Paul recognizes Eunice as a woman of great faith. Who was her mother that gave her such great faith?



Scripture references: Matthew 14:1-12, Mark 6:17-29, Luke 3:19

Herodias was an evil woman that caused the life of John the Baptist. Herod, the tetrarch, had arrested John and bound him and put him into prison because of Herodias. Herod wanted to kill John, but feared the people because they thought of him as a prophet.

On Herod’s birthday he held a party. Herodias’s daughter danced for the people and pleased Herod. He granted her whatever she wished. Herodias prompted her to ask for the head of John the Baptist. Herod could not back down because of his oath and therefore John was beheaded in prison.


  1. Who was Herodias’s husband and how was he related to Herod?


2. How did the daughter of Herodias ask for John to be killed?






Scripture references: Luke 10:38, 40-42, and John 11:1-12:2

Jesus and His disciples were on their way when they came to a village and Martha opened her home for them. Upon preparing a meal for them, Martha became upset because her sister had left her with the preparations of the meal while she sat with Jesus.

*When Jesus went to Bethany at the home of Simon the leper, Martha came to Him with an expensive jar of perfume. She poured it on his head while he was sitting at the table. The disciples were confused of why she would waste such a jar of perfume that could have brought her money. Jesus replied that she was preparing His body for burial.

Jesus came to the village of Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. He had been told that Lazarus was sick and was dying. When He arrived Lazarus was dead and He found Martha and Mary weeping at the tomb. He told them that Lazarus was just asleep and that he was going to be awakened. Martha was in disbelief and knew that he would be raised from the dead at last day. Jesus then raised Lazarus from the dead.




  1. What was Jesus’ response to Martha when she complained about Mary not helping her?


  1. Where was the village that Martha was from?


  1. How many times did Jesus have to keep telling Martha that He was going to raise him from the dead now?



* Note: Some people believe that the woman mentioned here is Martha, but

the Bible does not give a name to her.




Mary (James)


Scripture references: Matt 10:3, 27:55-28:10, Mark 3:18, 15:40-16:8, Luke 6:15,

23:59-24:12, John 19:25


Many women followed after Jesus from Galilee to care for His needs. Among those women were Mary Magdalene, Mary (James), and the mother of Zebedee’s sons. They were in the distance when Christ was crucified. After he was placed in the tomb, they were there weeping. After the Sabbath had passed Mary mother of James and Mary Magdalene went to the tomb. There they found that the stone had been rolled away.

As they stood there, an angel appeared to them and told them the great news about Jesus. Immediately after hearing those words they ran to tell the others, when they were going they ran into Jesus and fell at His feet worshipping Him. They continued on to tell the disciples of the miracle of Jesus’ resurrection and the disciples were in disbelief, until they came to the sight of the tomb.




  1. Who was Mary mother of James married to?


  1. What did the angel first tell the women when they went to the tomb of Jesus?


  1. Throughout each story in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John how does each differ from the other?


4. In the story that Mark gives, what do the women bring to Jesus’ tomb?









Mary (Jesus)

Scripture references: Matthew 1:16-24, 2:11,14,20, and Luke 1:26-2:39, 3:23

Mary was a woman blessed far more than she could have ever imagined. She was blessed by being chosen to carry the Son of God, Jesus Christ. An angel appeared unto Mary telling her of what was going to take place. She was in disbelief because of her unmarried status and having not ever been with a man.

The angel instructed her of how it was to take place and the Holy Spirit would fill her and allow her to conceive. After such news, Mary ran to tell a friend and stayed with her three more months.

Joseph and Mary left Galilee and went to the town of Bethlehem to register Mary because they were to be married. Mary was now due to have the Son of God at anytime. When they arrived there was no room for them in the inn, so the inn keeper opened his stable for them to stay there. It was that night that Mary gave birth to a baby boy and called His name Jesus, just like the angel told her to do.

Mary and Joseph were married and together were blessed with children.




  1. What was the name of the king in which Joseph descended from?


  1. What was the name of the angel that appeared unto Mary foretelling the birth of Jesus?


  1. What was Mary’s response to the news?


4. To whom did Mary run and share the news to?





Mary (John Mark)

Scripture references: Acts 12:12 and 15:37, 39, Colossians 4:10

There is not too much to be told about this Mary. She was the mother of John also called Mark. It is believed that her son was the writer of the second gospel. Her home is the place in which Peter comes to after his escape from prison. Many times the disciples come to home for rest and shelter. When Peter comes, though, a servant Rhoda comes to the door and is ecstatic that it could be Peter.


  1. At the time of Peter’s arrival at Mary’s house what were the people doing?


2. How are John Mark, Mary’s son, and Barnabas related?


Mary of Bethany

Scripture references: John 11-12:11, Luke 10:39

Just as before in the story of Martha, Mary is Lazarus’s and Martha’s

sister. When Jesus comes to Bethany to the women’s house, Martha is busily preparing food for Jesus, while Mary is spending time with Jesus. Martha complains and Jesus responds by saying that Mary has chosen what is better and will not be taken away from her.

In the story of Lazarus, Jesus gets word that His friend, Lazarus is sick and is dying. By the time He arrives, Lazarus is dead and in the tomb for quite sometime. Mary gets word that Jesus is coming, so she leaves to meet Him at the tomb. He tells them that Lazarus will live. Jesus then rolls the stone away and Lazarus comes out alive.

Six days before the Passover, Jesus came into Bethany. There with the disciples, Mary takes a pint of expensive perfume and pours it on Jesus’ feet and wipes His feet with her hair. After doing so the disciples accuse her of foolishly wasting the perfume that could have been sold for good money. Jesus gives her praise for such a thing that she has done.





  1. What does Jesus mean when He says that what Mary has chosen is better at the house of Mary and Martha?


  1. What does Mary tell Jesus when she sees Him after Lazarus has died?


  1. What was the name of the expensive perfume poured on Jesus’ feet and how much could she have gotten out of it?



Mary Magdalene

Scripture references: Matthew 27:55-28:4, Mark 15:40-16:11, Luke 8:1, 23:55-

24:12, John 20:11-18

At the scene of Jesus’ death, Mary Magdalene was there weeping. After He was taken to the tomb, she and some other women also went to the tomb. After the Sabbath, they returned to the tomb. There they found that the stone had been rolled away and that Jesus had risen. She and the other women ran to tell of the great news.

In John, the story is that Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene, but she doesn’t know it is Jesus because her head is buried and she is weeping. When finally Jesus speaks in a way to get her attention, she is overjoyed and runs to tells the others what she has seen.

In Luke, Mary Magdalene is described as one of the women that has been cured and that is traveling with Jesus and His disciples.


  1. When Jesus speaks to Mary, who does she think it is?


2. What is Mary healed of by Jesus?






Scripture references: Acts 18:18, Romans 16:13, 2 Timothy 4:19

Not much is mentioned about Priscilla. She however is a strong person in the life of Paul. He is constantly mentioning for people to remember she and her husband for their work in the Lord and their great faith. According to the Harper’s Bible Dictionary, it is believed that Priscilla was co-author with her husband of the Epistle to the Hebrews.


  1. Who was her husband that is mentioned many times with her name?


  1. Both she and her husband did something for Paul, what was it?




Scripture references: Matthew 14:3-11, Mark 6:17-28, 15:40, 16:1

Salome is a woman of two accounts in the Bible. She is the daughter of Herodias that asks for the head of John the Baptist, with the persuasion from her mother. She pleases Herod with her dancing and that is why he tells her to ask of anything that she wants. It is then that she asks for John’s head. *(See note)

Another account of Salome is that she and Mary Magdalene and Mary, mother of James went to Jesus’ tomb to anoint His body.


  1. How does Salome ask for John’s head?


2. What did she and the other two women bring to anoint Jesus’ body with.


*Salome’s name is not mentioned in the scripture of Herod’s party, but was found in Josephus, Antiquities XVIII.




Scripture references: Acts 5:1-10

Sapphira was the wife of Ananias. Together they sold a piece of property. And with her knowing completely what her husband was doing, he took a portion of the money and hid the rest. The one portion of money he placed at the feet of Peter, the apostle. Upon knowing wrong that Ananias did, Peter told him that he not only lied to men, but to God. At that moment Ananias fell and died. Sapphira came later and did not know what had happened previously to Ananias. Peter asked her the price of the land that they had sold. She agreed with the amount that Ananias had told. With that Sapphira fell and died just like her husband.


  1. What was done to Ananias’ body before his wife came to the place?


  1. How long was it before Sapphira showed up?


  1. What happened to Sapphira?


Syrophoenician Woman

Scripture references: Matthew 15:21-28, Mark 7:26-30

This woman came to Jesus when He was going to the region of Tyre and Sidon. She called out to Him wanting Him to have mercy on her daughter that was suffering from demon-possession. Jesus gave no words, so the disciple wanted Him to tell her to leave because of her crying out. Jesus seeing her great faith commanded her to go home and see that her daughter was well.


  1. What did Jesus reply to the disciple when they wanted Him to send her away?


  1. What were the words spoken to her and what was her response?



Woman of Samaria

Scripture references: John 4:4-42

Jesus was heading back to Galilee when He had to go through Samaria. He came to the well, where He sat and rested because He was tired from His journey. As He rested, a Samaritan woman came to draw water and Jesus asked her for a drink. She told Him that He was a Jew and that she was a Samaritan and how could He ask her for a drink.

Jesus answered her by asking her if she knew the gift of God and by receiving it she would receive living water. She, however, was skeptical about such water since He had nothing to draw the water out with. Jesus explained Himself and she wanted to have this water. Jesus commanded her to go to the town and get her husband. She responded that she had no husband, but Jesus corrected her.

The woman explained that the Messiah was coming and Christ revealed to her that He was the One. The disciples return and offer Jesus food to eat, but He replies that His food is to do the work of the One who sent Him.




  1. Where had the disciples gone when Jesus and the woman were at the well?


  1. How did Jesus respond to her answer that she had no husband?


  1. How did the disciple react when they saw Jesus talking to a woman at the well?


  1. How did the town of Samaria react when the woman went and told them about the situation at the well with Jesus?