1997MWSC/Jeanie C. Crain All rights reserved.
- Family
- Early Life
- Youth and Young Manhood
- 40 Years in Midian
- At the Burning Bush
- Makes Four Excuses
Moses, cont.
- God Promises Aid
- The Return to Egypt
- Ten Plagues
- The Exodus
- Mt. Sinai
- From Sinai to Kadesh-Barnea
Moses, cont.
- At Kadesh-Barnea
- 40 Years Wandering
- Kadesh Second Time
- Journey to the Jordan
- Last Days
- Transfiguration
I. Family.
- 1. Father, Amram. Ex. 6:20
- 2. Tribe of Levi. Ex. 2:1
- 3. Brother, Aaron. Ex. 4:14
- 4. Sister, Miriam. Ex. 15:20
II. Early
- 5. Birth. Ex. 2:2
- 6. A Beautiful Baby. Ac. 7:20
- 7. Hidden in the Bulrushes. Ex. 2:3
- 8. Adopted by the King's Daughter. Ex. 2:4-10
- 9. Name, Moses. Ex. 2:10
III. Youth
and Young Manhood.
- 10. Well Educated. Ac. 7:22
- 11. Identified himself with Israel. Heb. 11:25
- 12. Slew an Egyptian. Ex. 2:11, 12
- 13. His Efforts Rejected. Ac. 7:22-28
- 14. He flees to Midian. Ex. 2:15
IV. 40 Years
in Midian.
- 15. Age 40 yrs., Ac. 7:23
- 16. Married the Priest's Daughter. Ex. 2:21
- 17. Lives in Obscurity 40 yrs. Ac. 7:29, 30
At the
Burning Bush (Ex. 3:1-9), Called to Leadership.
Makes Four
- 18. Personal Unfitness. Ex. 3:11
- 19. Fear Unbelief of the People. Ex. 4:1
- 20. Lack of Eloquence. Ex. 4:10
- 21. Requests some Other Leader be sent. Ex. 4:2-8
God Promises
- 22. The Divine Presence. Ex. 3:11
- 23. Given Divine Authority. Ex. 3:13, 14
- 24. Promised Divine Empowerment. Ex. 4:2- 8
- 25. Promised Human Co-operation. Ex. 4:14- 16
V. The Return
to Egypt.
- 26. The Announcement of Deliverance. Ex. 4:29-31
- 27. Pharaoh's Opposition. Ex. 5:2
- 28. People's Tasks Increased. Ex. 5:7, 8
The Ten
Plagues Sent.
- 29. Water changed to Blood. Ex.7:14-25
- 30. Frogs. Ex. 8:1-15
- 31. Lice. Ex. 8:16-19
- 32. Flies. Ex. 8:20-32
- 33. The Murrain upon the Beasts. Ex. 9:1-7
- 34. Boils. Ex. 9:8-12
- 35. Hail. Ex. 9:13-25
- 36. Locusts. Ex. 10:1-20
- 37. Darkness. Ex. 10:21-29
- 38. The Passover. Ex. 12:14-28.
- 39. Death of the First-born. Ex. 12:29
VI. The
- 40. The Departure. Ex. 12:27 -38
- 41. The Pillar of Cloud. Ex. 13:21
- 42. The Pursuit. Ex. 14:1 -9
- 43. Deliverance. Ex. 14:13 -31
- 44. Moses' song. Ex. 15:1 -19.
- 45. Marah and Elim. Ex. 15:23 -27.
VI. The
Exodus, cont.
- 46. Manna sent. Ex. 16:14 ,15.
- 47. Water from a Rock. Ex. 17:1 -7.
- 48. Victory through Co-operation. Ex.17:8 - 13.
- 49. Jethro's Advice. Ex. 18:13 -23.
- 50. Arrival at Mount Sinai. Ex. 19:1 ,2.
VII. At Mount
- 51. Moses First Ascension, of the Mount. Ex. 19:3 -6.
- 52. The Covenant made with God. Ex. 19:8
- 53. The Divine Appearance on the Mount. Ex. 19:18-20.
- 54. The Decalogue Given. Ex. 20:1-17
- 55. Conquest Promised. Ex. 23:20-31
- 56. Blood Sprinkled. Ex. 24:6-8
- 57. The Vision of the Elders. Ex. 24:9-11
VII. At Mount
Sinai, cont.
- 58. The Second Ascent, Moses remained 40 days. Ex. 24:18
- 60. Divine Wrath, incurred. Ex. 32:7-10.
- 61. Moses' Intercession. Ex. 32:11-14.
- 59. The Golden Calf. Ex. 32:1-6
- 62. Punishment for Idolatry. Ex. 32:15-28
- 63. The Third Ascent. Ex. 32:30, 31.
- 64. The Second Intercession. Ex. 32:31, 32.
- 65. Removal of the Divine Presence. Ex. 33:1-6.
At Mount Sinai,
- 66. God's Intimate Fellowship with Moses. Ex. 33:11
- 67. The Divine Presence Restored. Ex. 33:12-17.
- 68. Moses seeks a New Vision. Ex. 33:18-23.
- 69. A Second Table of the Law given. Ex. 34:1-10.
- 70. Moses on the Mount for 40 days, the second time. Ex. 34:27 ,28.
- 71. Moses' Face Shines. Ex. 34:30-35.
- 72. The Tabernacle set up. Ex. 40:1-38.
VIII. Sinai
to Kadesh-Barnea.
- 73. The Pillar of Cloud. Nu. 10:11,12.
- 74. Fire destroys the Murmurers. Nu. 11:1 -3.
- 75. Longing for Fleshpots. Nu. 11:4 -6.
- 76. Moses Discouraged. Nu. 11:10-15.
- 77. Seventy Elders Appointed. Nu. 11:16,17.
- 78. Quails Sent. Nu. 11:31-35.
- 79. Ambition of Aaron and Miriam. Nu. 12:1-15.
IX. At
- 80. Spies Report. Nu. 13:26-33.
- 81. Israel Revolts. Nu. 14:1-10.
- 82. Divine Wrath. Nu. 14:11,12.
- 83. Moses Intercedes. Nu. 14:13-20.
- 84. The Generation Doomed to die in the Wilderness.
- Nu. 14:28 -33; Heb. 3:17-19.
- 85. Israel Defeated by Amalek. Nu. 14:40-45.
X. Forty
Years Wandering in the Wilderness.
- 86. The Wanderings of Israel Predicted. Nu. 14:33
- 87. Sabbath-breaker Stoned. Nu. 15:32-36
- 88. Rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. Nu. 16:1-40
- 89. Rebellion of People. Nu. 16:41, 42.
- 90. Aaron's Atonement. Nu. 16:45-50.
XI. At Kadesh
the Second Time.
- 91. Death of Miriam. Nu. 20:1
- 92. The People murmur because of Thirst. Nu. 20:2-6.
- 93. Moses's Sin. Nu. 20:7-13.
XII. The
Journey to Jordan.
- 94. Inhospitality of Edom. Nu. 20:14-22.
- 95. The Death of Aaron. Nu. 20:23-29.
- 96. Fiery Serpents. Nu. 21:5-7.
- 97. The Brazen Serpent. Nu. 21:8, 9.
- 98. Ballam. the Mercenary Prophet. Nu. Ch. 22-24.
- 99. Summary of the Journey to Jordan. Nu. 33:1-49.
Last Days.
- 100. Moses Farewell Address and Blessing. De. Ch. 32-33.
- 101. Ascends Mount Nebo. De. 34:1
- 102. Vision of the Promised Land and Death. De. 34:1-5.
- 103. Divine Burial. De. 34:6
Reappearance at the Transfiguration of Christ.
Reappearance at the Transfiguration. Mt.17:3