Copyright 1997MWSU/Jeanie C. Crain All rights reserved.

Exodus: Freedom, Privilege, and Responsibility

bulletOutline bulletExodus and the New Testament bulletMajor Types bulletStructure and the Tabernacle bulletThree-fold Structure bulletPurpose of the Tabernacle bulletFurniture bulletArticles of Wear bulletColors

Exodus: Outline

bulletThe Exodus bulletProjected (1-4) bulletObstructed (5-11) bulletEffected (12-18) bulletThe Law bulletCommandments (Moral) bulletJudgments (Social) bulletOrdinances (Religious) bulletThe Tabernacle (25-40) bulletDesigned (25-31) bulletDelayed (32-34) bulletCompleted (35-40)

Exodus and the New Testament

bulletMajor Types: Exodus under Moses, Exodus under Christ bulletEmancipation: deliverance from Egypt, deliverance from guilt and penalty bulletPassover: slain lamb, Lamb of Christ bulletSheltering blood: animal, Christ bulletExodus: national, universal bulletBondage: physical, spiritual

Exodus and the New Testament

bulletStructure of the Tabernacle bulletHoly of Holies (10 x 10 x 10--Cube: Symbol of Perfection) bulletSolomon’s temple (20 x 20 x 20) bulletHeavenly Jerusalem (four square) bulletThree-fold Structure bulletOuter Court (body) bulletHoly Place (soul) bulletHoly of Holies (spirit)

Exodus and the New Testament

bulletPurpose of Tabernacle, Temple, and Church bulletTabernacle: first dwelling place on earth bulletTemple: dwelling place on earth bulletIncarnation: "the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us" Jn. 1.14 bulletChurch: "a holy temple... builded together for an habitation of God" Eph. 2.21-22. bulletRev: "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be his people" (21.3)

Exodus and the New Testament

bulletFurniture bulletBrazen Altar of Sacrifice: Jn. 1 "Behold the Lamb of God, which takes away the sins of the world." bulletLaver: Jn. 3"Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God" bulletShewbread: Jn. 4-6 :living water--if people drink, they shall never thirst again; living bread--if people eat, they shall live forever.

Exodus and the New Testament

bulletFurniture, cont. bulletGolden Candlestick: Jn. 8 and 9 "I am the light of the world" ; "He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness." bulletAltar of Incense: Jn. 14 and 16 prayer in the Name which, above all others, is dear to the heart of God. bulletArk: Jn. 17 Prayer of Jesus, takes through the veil into the Holy of Holies. bulletMercy Seat and Shekinah: Jn. 20 "He breathed on them, and saith unto them: Receive ye the Holy Ghost."

Exodus and the New Testament

bulletArticles of Wear for High Priest bulletBreastplate--12 jewels (4 rows x 3) 12 tribes: God’s own written in jewels and set in gold upon the High Priest’s heart. bulletephod--short, 2-piece garment worn on shoulder: 2 onyx stones set in gold and engraved (6 names each) with 12 tribes bulletrobe bulletcoat bulletlinen breeches bulletmitre bulletholy crown: "Holiness unto the Lord... that they may be accepted"

Exodus and the New Testament

bulletColors bulletgold: deity bulletpurple: royalty bulletwhite: righteousness bulletblue: heavenliness bulletscarlet: sacrifice